CBD-Search Information and Comments
Sponsorship. The price? You decide ...

CBD-Search is constantly committed to offering services at a permanently low cost for everyone's benefit.

CBD-Search sponsorship is no different as we want to offer sponsorship deals to all of our advertisers at a price that suits each, rather than to only approach wealthy organisations.

The process of becoming a CBD-Search sponsor has recently been improved, and will begin with our first annual auction in April 2006. The minimum bid will only be $USD50, and we will take the top 10 bidders as our sponsors for the following 12 months.

Benefits currently include:

We always search at www.cbd-search.com The following benefits will soon be added:
  • Sponsors will receive a substantial discount on all products purchased during the year.
  • Sponsors will be able to submit one news article for free to our Blog/Newsletter each month. Additional articles may be submitted at a discounted price.


Benefits are awarded proportionally depending on the value of the 10 successful bids. If all bids are equal, then all sponsors will receive equal benefits, but if one sponsor bids a little more, they will receive a larger proportion of the benefits. This means that all successful bidders will receive sponsorship benefits at a price that it right for them.

We estimate that any sponsor who submits just 2-3 graphical banner adverts will easily receive far more than $USD50 worth of our existing, seriously low priced, services for free during the following 12 months. Of course, the added benefits, which do not currently hold a monetary value (sponsor-only privileges), makes this an un-missable offer.

Please explore this offer further by reading more at our Sponsorship Information page and login at CBD-Search, and visit our 'Partner Opportunities' page to either place a bid on the current auction or to ask to be notified when next years auction begins.

Monday, March 20, 2006


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