CBD-Search Information and Comments
The state of things at CBD-Search
CBD-Search, along with our other projects, have been struggling for a while now.

We have put a lot of time in to developing a suite of Internet technologies (not yet ready for release), but due to an unprecedented number of personal situations and attacks over the last year or so, we may soon end up shutting down all of our Internet projects.

We want to delay this as long as we can, in expectation of God's intervention and blessing, but we wanted to warn those of you who may be thinking of paying for extra advertising at CBD-Search, or renewing existing subscriptions, as it is possible that we may not be around for the whole period of your subscription.

There is an exciting possibility of us partnering with a local Thai company with regard to the main bulk of our work, and we are currently pursuing this opportunity. Whether this comes about before circumstances require us to shut down our existing projects is another question though.

As always, thanks so much for all of your support and encouragement. May God bless you richly as you serve him and commit all you do to Him.

Hayden Andrews

Monday, November 30, 2009


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