CBD-Search Information and Comments
Spread The Word

CBD-Search has been running for a few of years now, and up until now, we have focused our time on developing the project rather than on advertising and promoting the web site. This hasn't stop CBD-Search from quickly becoming one of the more popular Christian Resource directories.

But now CBD-Search is at a stage where we are looking to include as many new Christian resources as we can so as to become as useful as possible to those seeking information from us.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for having already listed your resource at with us -- You have already helped us, as we hope that we have helped you. But there are also other ways that you can help promote CBD-Search so that we can reach more people:

  1. You are more than welcome to link to us from your site
  2. Have you considered reviewing CBD-Search on your web site, blog, or in your publication?
  3. Why not send an e-mail to all the people you know who also have Christian Resources, and recommend that they to visit our site too.
  4. Maybe you could put a notice in the church notice sheet, or advertise our services in some other way.
  5. You could also include a "Google like" search box on your website.

As you help CBD-Search become more popular, this will in turn help you as well as all those who are seeking information on Christian resources.

Again, I would like to thank you for listing your Christian Resources with us, and I pray, now that you have tried us out, that you will keep us in mind and will remember to recommend us to all those you know. Maybe you could even use one of the ideas mentioned above and promote us on your web site either by linking to us or by recommending us in some way or by reviewing us on your web site or in any publication that you have access to.

Hayden Andrews
Christian Business and Information Directory

Thursday, March 23, 2006


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