CBD-Search Information and Comments
Newsletter Articles

I can see that quite a few people have been writing articles for inclusion in the CBD-Search newsletter, but very few of you have submitted them for approval and inclusion.

Here are some notes on writing articles to be included in the CBD-Search newsletter and Blogs:

  • Make sure that you submit your article as the correct 'type'. If your article is not relevant for the selected category/type, your article will be rejected.
  • There are some rules for articles submitted to the various categories/types, which include:
    • Resource News Articles - Use this article type to tell the world about your latest product or service or any other news relating to your resource. Please do not include any personal/contact details as a safe link to your CBD-Search resource will be automatically included, leading perusers to your web-site and a safe 'Contact Us' form (if you have allowed email contact for the resource).
    • Thoughts Regarding God and Life - Use this article type for insightful views regarding some aspect of God or/and life. We will not accept any articles with links to resource sites (apart from references), or any form of advertising.
    • Site Reviews - If you are logged in to CBD-Search and are viewing the resource listings, you will see an option to submit a review for any particular resource. You may not submit a review of any resource that you own, or have a business relationship with (use Resource News Articles in this case).
  • Make sure that you have enough credit in your account to cover the minimal cost of the article. A portion of the submission cost is an admin fee which can not be returned if your article is rejected, so please make sure that your article meets all relevant criteria.
  • Please do not copy MS-Word documents, or other poorly formed HTML documents, into your article. You should be able to copy and paste the text (without formatting) and then use our article submission form to add basic formatting.
  • On the article submission form, there is a button to save the current state of your article, which you should use often, and another button to submit your article (if you have sufficient credit) to be approved for inclusion in the next 2 CBD-Search newsletters. Don't forget to submit your article, once completed, or else it will never be included in the newsletter.
  • On the main 'User Articles' screen, you will see your current (and recently submitted) articles. A status of 'Not Submitted' means that you need to go in to the article and submit it for approval. A status of 'Submitted' means that it is currently being reviewed. 'Live' means that the article has been approved and included.

I hope that this helps those of you with articles in various stages of completion. For those of you who have not looked at 'User Articles' yet, you should login to CBD-Search, click on 'User Articles' and have a look. This is a very cheap way of contacting and advertising to the Christian community at CBD-Search.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Updating Resource Details

Many thanks to those of you who keep your CBD-Search resource(s) up to date as your details change.

We welcome you, if any details of your resource(s) change, to login to CBD-Search, go to 'My Resources', and update the details.

Apart from the usual checks and changes we make to ensure that data remains as true as possible and adheres to our standard formats, there is only one caveat regarding updating your resources ...

" When you update your resource's details, the new details must continue to represent the original resource. "

You are welcome to change the name of your resource, or the web-site address (URL) if these have changed for your resource, but if you edit these details to point to a completely different resource, your update will be rejected.

If you would like to submit a new resource, you will find an option to do so when you login at CBD-Search.

If you would like to delete an existing resource from CBD-Search, you can do so by going to 'My Resources' and then selecting 'Delete Resource'.