CBD-Search Information and Comments
Update on CBD-Search Status

You will have read in our last newsletter that CBD-Search has been struggling for a while now.

We are still struggling along, but are hoping and praying that we will soon see the other end of this tunnel. Again, this message is to warn you, our loyal partners, so that you are aware of our situation before making any purchases at our website. You are of course more than welcome to purchase additional advertising to help us during this time if you like.

We have received a number of offers to purchase this site, but unfortunately we have not yet been able to reply to you all because of ongoing computer difficulties. Selling is not really an option as doing so would not really help us, and would certainly not help the continuation of our other products and services, and would certainly no where near pay all the time and effort that has been put into this site so far. At this time, if we do need to close down, we will probably choose to suspend service until we come across better times.

Thank you again for your ongoing support and for the words of encouragement received from some of you.

Kind regards and God Bless,

Hayden Andrews

Sunday, January 31, 2010


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