CBD-Search Information and Comments
Special Thanks

There are a number of people who support us in various ways, from just making use of our services through to making donations to help with the development of CBD-Search and associated projects.

It is often difficult to know how to respond to people's generosity, some feeling appreciated by being recognised, while others prefer to remain as anonymous as possible.

We do have pages at CBD-Search dedicated to listing our current sponsors and partner sites as well as those supporters who have made donations. This is not enough to show our appreciation of all those who have supported us though, and does not include those of you who support us in pray or by purchasing extra services from the CBD-Search website. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support.

Your support has allowed CBD-Search to continue running and slowly expand for some years now. It has not always been easy, and although the site is now paying for it's hosting and other costs, it does not yet pay for any development/admin time.

We are currently working on new services (time allowing) aimed to help the Christian presence on the Internet, but we also dream of my work on these projects to start paying for the development time so that we can be released more into ministry work here in Thailand.

Thank you once again for your support, and know that never once does a purchase or donation go un-noticed. We remain grateful as always....

Hayden & Emily Andrews
Christian Business and Information Directory

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
How To Become a CBD-Search Sponsor

The third annual CBD-Search sponsorship auction is now upon us. This is your chance to become a sponsor and to enjoy the sponsorship benefits, at a price that suits you.

For those who have been asking, to find out more information, or to place a bid:

  1. Login at CBD-Search.
  2. Select 'Partner Opportunities' from the menu on the left.
  3. In the 'Site Sponsors' box, you can enter bids for your resource(s).

If you have multiple resources listed with us, you are more than welcome to submit bids for each resource under your control.

Many thanks, as always, to all of you who support us in various ways.

God bless,

Hayden Andrews
Christian Business and Information Directory