CBD-Search Information and Comments
CBD-Search Hits

We are sometimes asked how many Hits CBD-Search gets per day. This is always such a hard question to answer as noone can agree what a hit is or how they should be counted.

We take a very harsh view on calculating visits/hits so that the statistics we gather may be useful to us rather than trying to maximise numbers. We use the following guidlines to ascertain how many visitors we receive per day:

  • We consider requests from spiders, and requests that result in HTTP status/error codes, as seperate from real hits and do not include them in the numbers we quote.
  • A 'visit' is counted when a browser is sent at least 2 CBD-Search pages after having not sent that browser any pages for a period of at least 12 hours.

This means that:

  • Someone viewing one CBD-Search web page and then not viewing another page within a 12 hour period is not counted as a visit. This lowers our statistics dramatically, but is more honest as it ignores accidental and not-interested visits.
  • Someone visiting a CBD-Search webpage exactly once every 6 hours for 120 hours is counted as 1 visit (on the day of the first page view) of 20 page views. This means that any visits from spiders that we have not yet categorised as being a spider is minimalised due to their frequent page hits.
  • Someone visiting 2 CBD-Search webpages at the same time every day is counted as 1 visit each day of 2 page hits. We consider this to be 'normal usage', and this is the type of visitor that we are trying to count.

The explanation given, we can now say that currently (June 2008) we regularly receive 300-400 visits per day (infrequently 250-600) which is an increase of 100 over 6 months ago, and double what we received a year ago.

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Site Speed

Some of you may have noticed that the CBD-Search website has slowed down quite considerably lately. This is due to the site's steadily increasing popularity finally reaching a level that our poor little server can't cope with.

Over the next few days, we hope to migrate our database to a fresh server, and we have plans in the future to implement our new templating system which will result in CBD-Search web pages loading much quicker with alot less stress on our database server.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support :)