CBD-Search Information and Comments
Listing multiple pages

Many CBD-Search advertisers would like to list multiple pages in the CBD-Search directory.

Our policy, however, is to only include 1 page from each site, and that page is normally the main page of the site.

There is a very easy way to get around this though. We have a banner system which allows you to upload as many graphics (we have 2 acceptable sizes) as you like, each pointing to any page any where on the Internet. You can also create text adverts which can also point to any page any where on the Internet.

There is a small price for displaying these graphical and text adverts, but the price is so minimal that the $5 free credit, received for submitting a new resource, can allow these adverts to run for quite some time. There are also those who have links to us from their main pages, for which we sometimes credit an additional $5 in thanks. Some such advertisers have ended up running multiple graphical/text adverts on CBD-Search at no cost.

For further information, login at CBD-Search, and go to 'My Resources'. From this page, there is a link to the banner configuration for each of your resources, where you can then submit multiple banners.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008