CBD-Search Information and Comments
Even More Free Advertising

As you will know, at CBD-Search, we constantly aim to serve the Christian community for free.

Although we are constantly in need of finances to support this site, we are greatly pleased by the number of advertisers who have been able to use our services to maximum effect without having to spend anything but reward credit.

Although we would like everything at CBD-Search to be free, we also have a credit system for 2 reasons:

  1. To suit those who want to pay for extra advertising.
  2. To suit those who want to earn reward credit through CBD-Search to spend on additional advertising.

You will also be aware that we have been recommending that displaying additional graphical and textual adverts at CBD-Search is a great way of using your credit.

So how do you get reward credit? ...

  1. When you submit a new resource to CBD-Search, you receive $5 bonus credit.
  2. Each time that we reverify your resource, if we find a link to CBD-Search on your main page, we will gift you additional credit depending on how prominent the link is and how many legit hits we have received from your site in the past months.
  3. You can also display the graphical adverts of other CBD-Search advertisers to receive a portion of the cost to them.

To find out how much credit you currently have on your account, please login at CBD-Search. Then please help us help you by going to 'My Resources' and submitting graphical and textual banner adverts to further increase the hits you receive from us.

We do have plans for automating the reward credit process, and for introducing more free services, and for further focussing on our goals :) But these changes all take time, so in the meantime, although we love the fact that some of you are able to make the most of our services for free, please remember that we do especially appreciate those of you who pay real money for additional services or sponsor us by donation.

Saturday, August 30, 2008