CBD-Search Information and Comments
The '10 at 10' Program

You may know that my wife and I (Hayden Andrews - the developer of CBD-Search) are now serving God in Thailand.

We are mainly spending our time working and studying Thai just now, but are praying that the immense amount of work that I have put in to CBD-Search may result in some income to help free some of our time to pursue some opportunities for God.

We would like to suggest a program where you can help us and also help make CBD-Search even more successful.

We are asking those of you who feel that you would like to help, to ask 10 friends (or as many as you like) who have a Christian website, business, church, etc, etc, etc to submit their details to CBD-Search and to also purchase $USD10 per year of additional services.

Your recommendation to those you know will help make the world of difference to our ministry both on the Internet and in Thailand, and at such a little cost to you and your friends.

We would love to hear from those who decide to take up this challange, and may introduce a page on the CBD-Search website listing those people who have met the challange of introducing 10 people to CBD-Search who then sign up and purchase additional services.

Thanks again for being part of CBD-Search and helping to make it the success that it already is.

Kind Regards,

Hayden and Emily Andrews

Friday, May 19, 2006


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