CBD-Search Information and Comments
CBD-Search Sponsorship Auction

CBD-Search's 3rd annual sponsorship auction will be held from April 1st - 21st. This is a great opportunity to have your graphical banners included on our outgoing emails as well as throughout our site, for a price that you are happy with. Please don't miss this exciting opportunity to become one of this year's CBD-Search Sponsors.

If you are a current CBD-Search advertiser with existing graphical banners, then you should certainly consider this option as a more effective method of advertising with our site. Among other benefits, our sponsors will have their graphical adverts displayed more often on our site as well as included in all our out-going HTML emails.

We are currently serving well over 100,000 pages per month (over 3 times more than this time last year), and send out at least 1,300 HTML emails per month.

The sponsorship advertising component of these pages and emails will be shared proportionally among our [up to 10] sponsors based on the value of their final bids. Of course, how successful each sponsor's adverts are depends on the appeal of the advert itself, with this years sponsors receiving between 3% - 6% click through depending on the appeal of their adverts.

As in the past, only the top 10 bids will be accepted as this coming year's sponsors, and will receive all our sponsorship benefits, shared proportionally based on the values of the final winning bids. It is therefore possible for eager bidders to take a larger slice of the sponsorship pie, making higher bids quite effective and beneficial.

Also remaining unchanged, our sponsors are able to upload as many graphical adverts as they like, changing, adding and deleting banners throughout the year. These graphical adverts will also be included in our normal pay-per-display banner advert program (although this may be limited by the sponsor).

Sponsors will have their graphical adverts displayed more often at the top of each page on our site, and every page will include a smaller graphical link to one of our Sponsors (located prominently in the menu). Also, all of our out-going HTML emails include links to at least one of our Sponsors, chosen proportionally based on the value of the final bids.

Again, this is an opportunity not to be missed! Please have a look today and choose to Sponsor this up-and-coming website.

To find out more, login to CBD-Search and click on 'Partnership Opportunities' in the menu.

Thank you for your continued support. We pray that we will always be a blessing and encouragement to each other.


Thursday, February 28, 2008


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