CBD-Search Information and Comments
Write An Article For The CBD-Search News

All CBD-Search advertisers have the opportunity to submit articles for inclusion in the CBD-Search monthly newsletter. This is a great opportunity to share a thought, advertise your latest product/opportunity, or to just share your ideas.

There is a cost associated with submitting an article for inclusion in the CBD-Search newsletter, but like all CBD-Search products, this works out to be one of the cheapest forms of advertising available.

There are two main types of articles you can write:

  1. Thoughts Regarding God and Life ($3) - which must be a non-sales, non-advertising, building and encouraging thought regarding God or living a Christian life.
  2. Resource News Articles ($5) - This is your opportunity to advertise a product, promotion, or nearly anything else you want to write about. The article will automatically be linked to a resource advertised at CBD-Search, so this article type is only available to existing advertisers.

To submit your original article (please do not copy other people's work), simply login at CBD-Search and click on User Articles.

Accepted articles will be included indefinitely on our Blog site, and will also be included in our monthly newsletters over the next 2 months, which is currently being sent to over 1200 people. Only a handful of articles are included in each newsletter, so we may have to hold some articles over to the following month, or we may choose to distribute an article so that it is randomly sent to half our user base one month, and to another random half the next month.

There are a few other things that you should note:

  • When you submit an article, please make sure that you have enough credit on your account to cover the cost. CBD-Search will only present your article to us for approval if your account has enough credit.
  • Some people have tried submitting 'advertising' articles under our Thoughts Regarding God and Life category, as it is cheaper. Another technique has been to find/write an appropriate article, but lace it with advertising and links to the advertisers site. If this is the case, it is up to the discretion of CBD-Search as to whether the article is rejected, or all the advertising is removed so that the article can be accepted. The easiest thing, by far, to do, is to pay the extra $2 and write a compelling, short, article on why people should visit your site, or buy your product, and submit it under the Resource News Articles category.
  • Articles may be edited or reformatted at the discretion of CBD-Search.
Thursday, June 28, 2007


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