CBD-Search Information and Comments
Advertising Your SIte Effectively

So how do you include multiple pages from your site at CBD-Search? If you sell multiple products, or your organisation has various independent services, linking to the main page (as per the CBD-Search T&C) is not the best form of advertising for you. So what can you do?

I have talked once or twice about submitting your graphic/text BES (Banner Exchange Service) adverts to CBD-Search, but I have not yet explained how you can really use this to your benefit.

I would like to talk specifically about the text BES adverts today. These do not behave the same as our graphical BES adverts in that they are not displayed on other sites, but as a result, they are much cheaper.

1 US cent per 40 displays.

Not only that, but you can specify the maximum number of times that each advert may be displayed during a calendar month, so setting the total cost that you are prepared to pay. You could, for instance, have 4 text BES adverts, each set to only display 20 times per month, so fixing the total cost at only 2 US cents per month.

But ... that's not all ...

The best feature of BES adverts is that you specify the URL that the advert points to. So, you specify the text of your advert, and the URL that it points to, either inside your website, or somewhere else, anywhere on the Internet. Obviously, there are certain sites that we choose never to link to, and it is up to us whether we accept your submission or not, but within reason, you can link your advert anywhere you like, updating it as often as you like.

Graphical BES adverts actually work much the same, except that they are a little more expensive, but may also be included on other sites partaking in our BES program.

Large Graphics = 1 US cent per 16 displays.
Small Graphics = 1 US cent per 26 displays.

Have you forgotten that when your resource was accepted, you received a welcome bonus of $5? If you have not yet spent it, you are more than welcome to use it in the BES program!

So how do I create a BES advert?

Simply login at CBD-Search, and click on 'My Resources' in the menu. For each of your resources, there's a link entitled 'banners'. From here you can submit/edit/delete/monitor your BES adverts for each of your resources.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


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