CBD-Search Information and Comments
Making the best use of CBD-Search

Since you're reading this article, you have probably already subscribed to CBD-Search. This means that you've also possibly explored the CBD-Search website either recently or sometime in the past.

CBD-Search has been through many changes over the past six months, and you may not be aware of all the services available to you as a subscriber. I would like to take a few minutes now to tell you about some of the services.

Obviously, one of the main reasons for the existence of CBD-Search is to list Christian Resources available on, and off, the Internet. We long to link to all Christian Resources that any searcher may be looking for information on. As a Christian business, website, church or organisation, there is no reason to avoid listing at CBD-Search. The more resources that are listed at CBD-Search, the better it will be for your resource listing, so spreading the word about CBD-Search to everyone you know will certainly help both your cause and ours.

You may not know, but once your Christian resource has been accepted by CBD-Search, you may then submit graphical adverts (BES), which will be displayed at CBD-Search and participating web sites. This is easy to do. First log in to www.CBD-Search.com, and then click on "My Resources", which will appear in the menu once you are logged in. You'll see the details of your resource(s), including a link labelled "Banners". Selecting this link will allow you to upload graphical adverts to the CBD-Search website and also allow you to create text adverts, which will also be displayed on participating web sites. BES adverts are displayed at an incredibly low price, and you can even specify for each banner the maximum number of times the banner is to be displayed during each calendar month -- so setting the maximum cost.

We have introduced two new partner opportunities for those who have resources listed at CBD-Search. One of our aims is to create a central hub of Christian resources on the Internet by linking with as many other Christian search engines and directories as possible, so as to pass on on all of our visitors that we are unable to help. To make this possible, we are asking all those resources that have been listed in our "search engine and directory" category to include a small piece of code on their website, which will promote other Christian business directories and search engines, and to apply on our site to have their advert included in this program.

We always search at www.cbd-search.com

The second new partner opportunity is for those who would like to become sponsors of CBD-Search. Starting in April 2006, we will hold an auction to find our sponsors for the following 12 months. This auction guarantees that you, our advertisers, set the going price of sponsorship on our website, and is an opportunity for anyone to become a sponsor at a price that suits them. To find out more about either of these new partner opportunities, please log in at CBD-Search and then select "partner opportunities" from the menu.

You will probably have gathered that we are finally sending a regular monthly newsletter. But we do not want this newsletter to just be about us! As a CBD-Search subscriber, you have the opportunity to decide what will be in the next newsletter. By logging in at CBD-Search and selecting "user articles" from the menu, you will be able to see the types of articles that you are able to submit. You may also submit reviews of resources listed at CBD-Search by selecting " review resource" for any resource while browsing our listings. Any article that you submit, which is approved by CBD-Search, will be permanently included on the relevant CBD-Search blog and will also be included in future newsletters for up to 60 days. This is an exciting opportunity to tell others what you think about other Christian resources, your views on God, and to tell the world your lastest news.

There are still options available at CBD-Search to enhance your resource's listing by adding additional keywords and including your resource in additional categories. Details, and more information, can be found by logging in to CBD-Search and selecting "my resources" from the menu. We certainly recommend enhancing your resource's listing at CBD-Search, as iIncluding additional keywords, categories and banners will help promote the listing of your resource and help direct our visitors onto you. But of course, you will also be helping to support CBD-Search by paying the small amount of money that it costs for each of these features. If you were to purchase only $USD 10 worth of services per year, you will help ensure the future of CBD-Search.

Search www.cbd-search.com
Friday, March 24, 2006
Spread The Word

CBD-Search has been running for a few of years now, and up until now, we have focused our time on developing the project rather than on advertising and promoting the web site. This hasn't stop CBD-Search from quickly becoming one of the more popular Christian Resource directories.

But now CBD-Search is at a stage where we are looking to include as many new Christian resources as we can so as to become as useful as possible to those seeking information from us.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for having already listed your resource at with us -- You have already helped us, as we hope that we have helped you. But there are also other ways that you can help promote CBD-Search so that we can reach more people:

  1. You are more than welcome to link to us from your site
  2. Have you considered reviewing CBD-Search on your web site, blog, or in your publication?
  3. Why not send an e-mail to all the people you know who also have Christian Resources, and recommend that they to visit our site too.
  4. Maybe you could put a notice in the church notice sheet, or advertise our services in some other way.
  5. You could also include a "Google like" search box on your website.

As you help CBD-Search become more popular, this will in turn help you as well as all those who are seeking information on Christian resources.

Again, I would like to thank you for listing your Christian Resources with us, and I pray, now that you have tried us out, that you will keep us in mind and will remember to recommend us to all those you know. Maybe you could even use one of the ideas mentioned above and promote us on your web site either by linking to us or by recommending us in some way or by reviewing us on your web site or in any publication that you have access to.

Hayden Andrews
Christian Business and Information Directory

Thursday, March 23, 2006
Your Graphical Adverts at CBD-Search

Did you know that you can submit your graphical and text adverts to be advertised all over the CBD-Search website, as well as on other participating sites?

When you have a resource listed with us, you become eligible to submit graphical adverts of 468px by 60px and 135px by 80px. You may also submit cheaper text adverts.

Here are some examples of current BES adverts on our system

These adverts are displayed at an incredibly low price. At the time of writing this article, our most expensive option, large banners (468px by 60px) are being charge at 1c per 16 displays.

If you fear that the monthly charge for displaying your resource's adverts may become too high, you may set the maximum number of times each of your banners will be displayed during a calendar month, which will fix the maximum price you will be charged.

We always search at www.cbd-search.com

This facility is a great way to spend the $USD5 free credit that we give you for each of your submitted resources that we accept.

To find out more about this excellent option, visit our BES (Banner Exchange Service) information page, or login at CBD-Search and click on the 'My Resources' menu option.

Monday, March 20, 2006
Sponsorship. The price? You decide ...

CBD-Search is constantly committed to offering services at a permanently low cost for everyone's benefit.

CBD-Search sponsorship is no different as we want to offer sponsorship deals to all of our advertisers at a price that suits each, rather than to only approach wealthy organisations.

The process of becoming a CBD-Search sponsor has recently been improved, and will begin with our first annual auction in April 2006. The minimum bid will only be $USD50, and we will take the top 10 bidders as our sponsors for the following 12 months.

Benefits currently include:

We always search at www.cbd-search.com The following benefits will soon be added:
  • Sponsors will receive a substantial discount on all products purchased during the year.
  • Sponsors will be able to submit one news article for free to our Blog/Newsletter each month. Additional articles may be submitted at a discounted price.


Benefits are awarded proportionally depending on the value of the 10 successful bids. If all bids are equal, then all sponsors will receive equal benefits, but if one sponsor bids a little more, they will receive a larger proportion of the benefits. This means that all successful bidders will receive sponsorship benefits at a price that it right for them.

We estimate that any sponsor who submits just 2-3 graphical banner adverts will easily receive far more than $USD50 worth of our existing, seriously low priced, services for free during the following 12 months. Of course, the added benefits, which do not currently hold a monetary value (sponsor-only privileges), makes this an un-missable offer.

Please explore this offer further by reading more at our Sponsorship Information page and login at CBD-Search, and visit our 'Partner Opportunities' page to either place a bid on the current auction or to ask to be notified when next years auction begins.

CBD-Search Newsletter Launched
We always search at www.cbd-search.com

Finally, after what seems like an eternity, CBD-Search has launched their monthly newsletter.

All CBD-Search subscribers who have elected to receive our newsletter will, beginning March 2006, receive a monthly newsletter from the site.

Subscribers can easily opt-in or opt-out to receive the CBD-Search Newsletter by logging into the site and changing their preference on the 'User Details' page.

The CBD-Search Newsletter is aimed at informing you of what is happening in the world of Christian Resources. We have therefore created the ability for you, our subscribers, to submit articles for inclusion in our newsletters. This is an exciting way to advertise what your Christian Resource is doing to the world.

For more information on the new CBD-Search newsletter, please refer to our Newsletter Information, Article Information, and Blog Site Information pages.

Search www.cbd-search.com
Friday, March 10, 2006
New Blog Sites

In preparation for the new CBD-Search newsletter, we have created some new Blog sites. These sites will be used to provide articles on various topics for our monthly newsletter.

A selection of these Blogs have been made available to our Users to submit articles to. For more information, please login at CBD-Search and click 'User Articles' on the menu.

The new blogs currently available are :

Please explore these blogs, and submit your own articles at CBD-Search. We look forward to sending you these articles in our (soon to come) newsletter.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Other Christian Search Engines

We are excited to offer this free opportunity for other Christian Resource & Information Directories and Search Engines to partner with us in creating a hub of Christian Information and Resources on the web.

To participate, a website must first meet a set of conditions which can be found on our Partner Information page.

Resources which are accepted as partner sites will be listed on the Our Partners page, and a link will be included to one of our partners (randomly) on every page of our website.

This is an exciting opportunity that you should not miss out on!


We have taken a new approach to site sponsorship and the offering of prime advertising space. We want to allow all of our advertisers and partners the opportunity to become a sponsor of CBD-Search at a price that is affordable.

We do this each year by auctioning 10 Sponsorship positions for the following 12 months; allowing any of our advertisers to place a bid on behalf of any of their resources. The winning 10 Resources will then become our official Sponsors for the next 12 months.

Apart from getting valuable benefits, otherwise unavailable at CBD-Search, you will also be helping to support this site and help make sure that this site continues for years to come.

Please visit our Sponsorship Information Page for more information, requirements, rewards and benefits.

Advertising is Easy!
We always search at www.cbd-search.comCBD-Search is fast becoming the 'Christian Resource Directory' of choice. Why? For a few very simple reasons ....
  1. It's free! CBD-Search accepts adverts from nearly any Christian Resource. Not only that, but you also receive $5 free credit for each successful submission.

  2. Minimal costs. Many Search Engines and Directories charge huge fees to be included on their sites. CBD-Search is not focussed on earning a large profit, but on providing quality services for a minimal fee. Therefore, as an advertiser, you can purchase additional keywords and categories to enhance your listing, for an incredibly low price.

  3. Banner Adverts. CBD-Search has it's own BES (Banner Exchange Service). If you have any graphical banners, you can only gain by adding them to your CBD-Search account.

  4. Partnering. One of the aims of CBD-Search is to provide a central hub on the Internet of information for Christian Resources. We need other Christian Directories and Search Engines to help make this truly successful. We therefore offer a free partnership exchange with other qualifying websites where you will benefit from CBD-Search's success.

  5. Sponsorship. In a moment of madness, CBD-Search has made an incredible offer to it's advertisers. They are offering the chance, during April each year, to bid to become a CBD-Search Sponsor for the next 12 months. This means that you choose the price of Sponsorship on the site.
So, you can see that you can only benefit from joining CBD-Search. In fact, you could have a truly hit-enhacing listing at CBD-Search for $5-$100 per year.
Thursday, March 02, 2006