CBD-Search Information and Comments
What Are You Supporting?

We often ask you to support us by recommending us to others and by visiting our site often. We also ask that you consider purchasing additional services from us to help support us financially.

But why? And who are we?

CBD-Search was created and written by Hayden Andrews working under the name HeyDan Development. The site was initially created purely for Christian and evangelistic purposes, as an offering to God financed by my computer contracting company, which was being blessed financially by God at the time.

Since then, the direction of my life has changed and I am now more focused on serving God by reaching out and serving people. This has resulted in my wife and I recently moving to Thailand in response to what we believe was God's call. You can read more about what we are up to on our personal blog site.

This has meant that instead of being able to sponsor Internet projects out of abundant finances, we are now hoping to be able to use these same projects to also help raise a small income to help support us in our work.

We're certainly not focused on making a large profit, but instead would love to be able to support our ministry here in Thailand with money raised from our own work. Also, I am still committed to the original goals and ideas of my online ministry, and would hate to disclude people or make my services less available, because of excessive costs.

I have therefore decided, although some friends and family think it is a little unwise, to sell any services that I release on the Internet at the most minimum of costs, and certainly much cheaper than can be found anywhere else. By doing this, I hope to keep all my services available to everyone and to also be able to raise a small income for my family, praying that many many people will be prepared to purchase these minimal cost services.

If you're interested in finding out more, then please check out our personal blog site and also log into CBD-Search and explore some of the additional services that you could purchase and make use of.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


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