CBD-Search Information and Comments
CBD-Search Policy Change

This month, we implemented some new changes at CBD-Search regarding emails and our monthly newsletter. This will be followed up soon with some new policy regarding user accounts with CBD-Search.

All of our emails are now sent out containing both HTML and text versions, so they should remain compatible with your preferred email client.

We have now chosen to make our newsletter mandatory for all users who have resources currently listed with us. Any other users will no longer receive our newsletter, unless they login to CBD-Search and select the appropriate option. This new option states that you, the user, request to continue receiving our newsletter even if, in the future, you no longer have any resources listed with us.

This new policy has been implemented for two reasons:

  1. In the past, there have been people who have signed up with CBD-Search, requested our monthly newsletter and then submitted an unsuitable resource, which was then rejected. We suspect that some of these people then mark our emails as SPAM instead of unsubscribing, as (since we rejected their submission) they no longer have a need for our services. We would like to avoid this in the future by only sending our newsletters to those users who have had their resource submission(s) successfully accepted.
  2. At CBD-Search, we aim to keep our listings current and accurate. This is a huge task, and although this should remain the duty of the owner of the submissions, we find ourselves having to recheck many websites and spending a lot of time trying to contact the original submitters. We have always required a valid email address so as to be able to reverify details from time to time, but as email addresses do change, this is not always an easy task. Sending our monthly newsletter to users with resources listed on our system will help remind you to keep your email details up-to-date, and will give us a mechanism for telling which email addresses have become unavailable so that we can delete invalid user accounts along with their associated resources.

Within the next few weeks we hope to fully implement the rest of these policy changes which include:

  1. Users with resources listed at CBD-Search will be sent an email every 6 months, asking them to login at CBD-Search and reverify the details of their resource(s). Failure to do so may result in the resource(s) being removed from our system.
  2. Any users who do not have (or no longer have) any resources listed at CBD-Search, have not selected to continue receiving our monthly newsletter, and who have not logged in to CBD-Search within the previous 6 months will be removed from our system.
  3. Any user that we are unable to contact 3 consecutive times by email will be deleted, along with any related resources. It is a terribly unfortunate result of many ISP's unethical implementation on anti-SPAM mechanisms, that it must remain the responsibility of the user to make sure that emails from CBD-Search are allowed to reach you.

Full details of our current Terms & Conditions, policies, and other information can be found at the following locations:

Friday, September 22, 2006


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