CBD-Search Information and Comments
Bogus Unsubscription Request Emails

It has been brought to our attention (thanks to Jim Clayton of Bsafe Online) that a small number of our users have been [irregularly] receiving 'Unsubscription Request' emails from CBD-Search.

We have looked into this problem, and it appears that Google has come across some of your emails from us (which include a link to request instructions on how to unsubscribe from CBD-Search) and when Google indexes this particular link, the affected people receive this informational email [again] from us.

We will hopefully have this problem fixed by the beginning of May (sorry ahead of time for this delay), so in the meantime, if you receive an email from us explaining how you can unsubscribe, and you did not request it, please ignore and delete the email.

Normally, 'Unsubscription Request' emails are only sent if you, someone with access to your email account, or someone that you forward a CBD-Search email to, clicks on the link requesting for CBD-Search to send instructions on how to subscribe. No real action is taken until you either login to CBD-Search and manually un-subscribe, or if you follow the instructions included in the email.

Sunday, March 18, 2007
Submitting Articles For Our Newsletter

CBD-Search offers you, our users, the facility to submit articles for inclusion in our newsletter and on our Blog sites.

Three categories which may interest you are:

  • News Articles - Do you want to share your latest news or product/service details with our readers?
  • Thoughts on God and Life - Share your spiritual insights and thoughts with our readers.
  • Site Reviews - Seen a great (or poor) site listed on CBD-Search? Why not tell others about it.

There are a number of sensible conditions to submitting articles, including:

  • Articles must be on topic for the category they are submitted under.
  • Site Reviews must be for sites/organisations listed on CBD-Search which the author has no relationship, invested interest, or other relationship which may provide personal benefit, in any way, by submitting a review. They should also be presented in an unbiased manner, intended for the benefit of other consumers.
  • 'Thoughts on God and Life' articles may not include any advertising or promotion of any products/services/organisations, and should not mention any products/services/organisations which the author has any relationship or invested interest in.
  • We, of course, reserve the right to decide which articles we will accept.

If you are an existing, email verified, CBD-Search user, you can simply login to CBD-Search, click on 'User Articles', and for a very small fee, may submit your articles. To submit a review on a resource listed at CBD-Search, first login at CBD-Search, find the particular resource on our website, and then click on the relevant link to submit a review.

This is a great way of making yourself heard, and also to make the CBD-Search newsletter relevant and topical, expressing the views, interests and opinions of our readers.

Also, and maybe more importantly, writing an effective and compelling article for the CBD-Search newsletter is a cheap way of advertising to a broad selection of other advertisers at CBD-Search.

If you are not yet a CBD-Search user, then please subscribe today, submit any Christian resources under your control, and make use of our other services.

Monday, March 12, 2007
CBD-Search Sponsorship

CBD-Search's 2nd annual sponsorship auction will run from April 1st-21st. This is a great opportunity to help support CBD-Search while also receiving cheap advertising (most of our current sponsors paid less this past year than our average graphical banner advertisers, as well as receiving more advertising benefits).

Please don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to become a CBD-Search Sponsor for the next 12 months, at a cost that you decide. If you are a current advertiser, with existing graphical banners at CBD-Search, you should certainly consider this option.

To find out more, login at CBD-Search and click on 'Partnership Opportunities' in the menu.

Only the top 10 bids will be accepted as Sponsors for the next 12 months, and will receive all our Sponsorship benefits, shared proportionally based on the values of the final winning bids.

Sponsors will have their graphical adverts displayed more often at the top of each page on our site, and every page will include a smaller graphical link to one of our Sponsors (located prominently in the menu). Also, all of our out-going HTML emails include links to at least one of our Sponsors, again chosen proportionally based on the value of the final bids.

We are currently receiving at least 30,000 (ever increasing) page hits per month, and send out at least 1,400 emails per month, although, of course, how successful each Sponsor's adverts are depends on the appeal of the advert itself.

As with all CBD-Search banner adverts, our Sponsors are able to upload as many graphical adverts as they like, changing, adding and deleting banners throughout the year, depending on how successful they feel there adverts are.

All graphical adverts submitted by our Sponsors will also be included in our normal banner advert program (although this may be limited by the Sponsor).

Again, this is an opportunity not to be missed! Please have a look today and choose to Sponsor this up-and-coming website. To find out more, login at CBD-Search and click on 'Partnership Opportunities' in the menu.

Thank you for your continued support. We pray that we will always be a blessing and encouragement to each other.