CBD-Search Information and Comments
Submitting Articles For Our Newsletter

CBD-Search offers you, our users, the facility to submit articles for inclusion in our newsletter and on our Blog sites.

Three categories which may interest you are:

  • News Articles - Do you want to share your latest news or product/service details with our readers?
  • Thoughts on God and Life - Share your spiritual insights and thoughts with our readers.
  • Site Reviews - Seen a great (or poor) site listed on CBD-Search? Why not tell others about it.

There are a number of sensible conditions to submitting articles, including:

  • Articles must be on topic for the category they are submitted under.
  • Site Reviews must be for sites/organisations listed on CBD-Search which the author has no relationship, invested interest, or other relationship which may provide personal benefit, in any way, by submitting a review. They should also be presented in an unbiased manner, intended for the benefit of other consumers.
  • 'Thoughts on God and Life' articles may not include any advertising or promotion of any products/services/organisations, and should not mention any products/services/organisations which the author has any relationship or invested interest in.
  • We, of course, reserve the right to decide which articles we will accept.

If you are an existing, email verified, CBD-Search user, you can simply login to CBD-Search, click on 'User Articles', and for a very small fee, may submit your articles. To submit a review on a resource listed at CBD-Search, first login at CBD-Search, find the particular resource on our website, and then click on the relevant link to submit a review.

This is a great way of making yourself heard, and also to make the CBD-Search newsletter relevant and topical, expressing the views, interests and opinions of our readers.

Also, and maybe more importantly, writing an effective and compelling article for the CBD-Search newsletter is a cheap way of advertising to a broad selection of other advertisers at CBD-Search.

If you are not yet a CBD-Search user, then please subscribe today, submit any Christian resources under your control, and make use of our other services.

Monday, March 12, 2007


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