CBD-Search Information and Comments
Bogus Unsubscription Request Emails

It has been brought to our attention (thanks to Jim Clayton of Bsafe Online) that a small number of our users have been [irregularly] receiving 'Unsubscription Request' emails from CBD-Search.

We have looked into this problem, and it appears that Google has come across some of your emails from us (which include a link to request instructions on how to unsubscribe from CBD-Search) and when Google indexes this particular link, the affected people receive this informational email [again] from us.

We will hopefully have this problem fixed by the beginning of May (sorry ahead of time for this delay), so in the meantime, if you receive an email from us explaining how you can unsubscribe, and you did not request it, please ignore and delete the email.

Normally, 'Unsubscription Request' emails are only sent if you, someone with access to your email account, or someone that you forward a CBD-Search email to, clicks on the link requesting for CBD-Search to send instructions on how to subscribe. No real action is taken until you either login to CBD-Search and manually un-subscribe, or if you follow the instructions included in the email.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


At 11:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You refrence Bsafe Online but (1)there is no such person aqt Bsafe Pnlin e and the link goes to the Safe Eyes site???????

At 9:35 am, Blogger Hayden Andrews said...

Thanks for your comment. Jim Clayton is the submitter of that particular website. Sometimes sites change, including the name of the site, and in this case, the name (although the URL has remained constant) has indeed changed, which I have now updated in our database.

Our thanks still go to Jim Clayton for bringing this situation to our attention.


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