CBD-Search Information and Comments
Site Development Update

As you may or may not know, CBD-Search is currently developed and managed solely by myself, Hayden Andrews.

Although CBD-Search has continued to be quite a successful site, its slowly increasing income still only just covers its own administrative costs, paying me nothing for my services. I hope and pray that one day this will change, especially as my wife and I continue to serve God in Thailand and continue to trust in him.

Activities in Thailand have meant that less time has been put into CBD-Search than in previous years, and with my recent commitment to increase the amount of time I spend learning Thai over the next few months, development will nearly cease during this time. We also hope to move out of Bangkok this year, to a more rural area, and will be spending some time preparing for this.

We have hopes and dreams for CBD-Search, including that through God's ever increasing blessing, that my internet work may help support us financially as we move away from the Central Business District of Thailand and further away from easily accessible Internet and job opportunities. We also hope that it may earn enough that we can once again have someone else work on the project to see it's completion.

In the meantime, this 99% automated site will continue to manage itself, but unfortunately, personal contact may get worse and more delayed for a time.

Thankyou again for all your support and encouragement, both of CBD-Search and our personal activities here in Thailand.

Monday, January 15, 2007


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