CBD-Search Information and Comments
CBD-Search Relocated

After CBD-Search's recent move to it's new host, things seem to be running a lot smoother that they have for a long time, with many more visitors tending to stay longer, exploring more pages, and also making more submissions.

This move was only possible because of the support and encouragement from those who use our services, and the few who are helping to support this project financially (Our income now easily covers the cost of our new hosting, although all development and support is still voluntary).

We hope that we have covered all the possible problems that might occur as a result of having moved, but it is quite possible that we may still experience a few problems over the coming months, so your continued patience, support and encouragement is still much appreciated.

As a quick aside, it is nearly time for our second annual CBD-Search Sponsorship auction. This is the best way to have your banner adverts displayed through out our site and on our outgoing emails, at a cost that you find acceptable. This is almost a must for anyone already displaying their banner adverts on our site as the minimal $50 bid provides a years advertising at a lower price than it could cost to pay monthly for normal banner adverts - and that does not include the additional advertising given to our Sponsors.

For more information, and to request for us to notify you when the auction begins, please login at CBD-Search and select 'Partner Opportunities'.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


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