CBD-Search Information and Comments
Your Graphical Adverts at CBD-Search

Did you know that you can submit your graphical and text adverts to be advertised all over the CBD-Search website, as well as on other participating sites?

When you have a resource listed with us, you become eligible to submit graphical adverts of 468px by 60px and 135px by 80px. You may also submit cheaper text adverts.

These adverts are displayed at an incredibly low price. At the time of writing this article, our most expensive option, large banners (468px by 60px) are being charge at 1c per 16 displays.

If you fear that the monthly charge for displaying your resource's adverts may become too high, you may set the maximum number of times each of your banners will be displayed during a calendar month, which will fix the maximum price you will be charged.

Although we only accept one resource listing per website/organisation, and tend to only list the main page of each website, you are welcome to submit a banner advert that points to any URL on the internet, whether within your website or elsewhere. As long as the destination link meets our Terms & Conditions, you may link anywhere. This makes it possible to create a graphical/text advert which advertises a specific product/service, and links directly to the related page.

The Banner Exchange Service is a great way to spend the $USD5 free credit that we give you for each of your submitted resources that we accept.

To find out more about this excellent option, visit our BES (Banner Exchange Service) information page, or login at CBD-Search and click on the 'My Resources' menu option.

You will see some current BES adverts listed below.