CBD-Search Information and Comments
Bogus Unsubscription Request Emails

Last month, we discovered that some of our advertisers have been recently receiving 'unsubscription' and 'password reminder' emails from CBD-Search, when they had not requested them.

We looked into this problem, and found that Google and some other web-robots had come across some of your emails from us (which include links to request instructions on how to unsubscribe from CBD-Search or for a password reminder) and when these robots index the resulting web page, the affected people were being sent the informational email [again] from us.

In recent weeks, we have audited every page on the CBD-Search website that performs an action based on a user arriving at the link, and have inserted a form requiring the user to enter a specified 'code'. This will stop the robots and other automated processes from being able to action such events on the site.

For those of you who have been receiving 'bogus' emails from CBD-Search: Sorry for the annoyance that this may have been to you, and thankyou for your patience while we sorted this problem.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


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